Who Likes the Color Orange?!

Not me!!! I think it’s mostly gross, but it’s My Honeypie’s favo color. Yuck. My favorite colors are blue and yellow. Sometimes I try and think of how I can incorporate this orange color into our home-to-be…and all I can muster is maybe some orange flowers. My Honeypie is a good man and just says, “I don’t care” when I ask him if he wants orange in our house.

Today I tried killing some time with that in mind. and I came across some orange stuff. In houses. That I like. and don’t like.


YES. BHG.com


YES. bhg.com




Yes? I'm mostly confused on the whole headboard thing.

Yes. But it almost looks like a candy corn up in there.

Okay. So I really don’t like all orange rooms. It’s so…overpowering! But some people do. I mean, my mom’s favorite color is lime green! She, however, did not paint her entire art studio lime green. It’s classy. Like this:

no, this is not my mom's studio.

THIS is her studio. Part of it anyway. I had to google it to find a picture.

this is her site.

I discovered that in my searching that even though I mostly hate the color orange,  I also mostly like orange accents.



Double Yes. On a blue wall.

I think I can maybe incorporate this color.

 What’s your favorite color?


4 thoughts on “Who Likes the Color Orange?!

  1. That wall clock freaks me out because it looks like the butterflies are eating it. But I like orange colors as accents as well. My favorite color is poo orange and camo green.

  2. I LOVE that clock! And on a blue wall, it would be amazing. I think orange is a great color when handled with care. And I think it’s funny you had to google your mom’s studio to find a picture.

  3. Pingback: Orange! | Some Man's Trash

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